Q4 2017 edition Written by Carrie Paulsen
Howdy Shooters,
Welcome to the fourth edition and final edition for 2017, of your state newsletter.
A lot has happened since the last newsletter, Echidna Park was the host of the 2017 SCA Nationals. With the help of all clubs in WA it is safe to say this event was a huge success. The feedback from our travelling and local competitors was extremely positive, with whispers that Echidna Park could be suitable to host a world event.
Wannamal hosted the final event at their beloved grounds. Closing off their 2017 season with an 80 pair English sporting shoot that the masses certainly flocked to, to shoot at this beautiful ground one last time. A full article on Wannamal’s closing shoot can be found in the latest SCA magazine. But we also have some very exciting updates on the future of Wannamal later in this newsletter!
All clubs have held their AGM’s and there has been some changes to some committees, please view the updated contact list at the end of this newsletter to stay up to date.
State is yet to hold their AGM (scheduled for January). ALL positions are up for grabs. If you are interested in forming part of the State Committee, get in touch with your state delegates for further information! All members are welcome to attend as observers, the AGM is held at the Department of Sports and Recreation in Leederville – contact your Club Delegates for further information.
Wishing everybody a safe and Merry Christmas. Please make sure you over-indulge with your loved ones and spend the holiday season busting clays.